Gedore E-torc Q

Proven torque com­pe­tence rang­ing from 0.02 to 54,000 N·m – guar­an­teed by hand-op­er­ated torque as­sem­bly tools for screws and nuts by GEDORE. The use of the best ma­te­r­ial, lat­est ma­chin­ery and en­vi­ron­men­tally-friendly pro­duc­tion meth­ods en­sures max­i­mum pro­duc­tion depth from a sin­gle source.

In the GEDORE E-torc Q line for mea­sur­ing ranges be­tween 0.25 and 1000 N·m, the tra­di­tional man­u­fac­turer of­fers a high-qual­ity elec­tronic torque wrench for use in qual­ity as­sur­ance and process op­ti­mi­sa­tion, and in re­search and de­vel­op­ment. The mea­sur­ing key GEDORE E-torc Q/​QR sets stan­dards in the field of net­worked tools, and serves all stan­dard and mea­sure­ment meth­ods us­ing torque, torque/​ro­tary an­gle, un­screw­ing/​tight­en­ing, and fur­ther tight­en­ing to VDI/​VDE 2645 sheet 3 and yield point. It works to a very high mea­sur­ing pre­ci­sion, for in­stance in the torque range from +/- ​1% or +/- ​1 digit.

The elec­tronic torque wrench is avail­able in 8 ver­sions for the mea­sur­ing ranges

  • 0.25 to 6,0 N·m
  • 1.5 to 12 N·m
  • 6.0 to 60 N·m
  • 10 to 100 N·m
  • 20 to 200 N·m
  • 30 to 300 N·m
  • 100 to 600 N·m
  • 100 to 1.000 N·m


The GEDORE E-torc Q/​QR is fit­ted with high-per­for­mance PC soft­ware for the para­metri­sa­tion, record­ing, graphic eval­u­a­tion and archiv­ing of screw data. The easy touch func­tion op­er­a­tion us­ing the large TFT graphic dis­play (4.3″) or six hard­ware keys al­lows in­tu­itive use of the torque wrench with in­stantly vis­i­ble mea­sured re­sults. The E-torc Q can also be po­si­tioned flex­i­bly, while the tool holder can be ro­tated to the hous­ing in ei­ther di­rec­tion by 60°. The er­gonom­i­cally shaped han­dle is safe and easy to use even at high tight­en­ing torques.


Record­ing, sav­ing and trans­fer­ring data is eas­ier than ever be­fore with the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of the E-torc Q/​QR. The mea­sure­ment key is fit­ted with a ¼” in-hex, 9*12 or 14*18 rec­tan­gu­lar cav­ity and 22 or 28 mm spigot end. In ap­pli­ca­tion, the ex­tended func­tions of the elec­tronic torque wrench are man­aged via the 4.3″ dis­play. Vir­tual progress bars for torque and an­gle pro­vide a clear de­pic­tion of the mea­sure­ment re­sults, and the dis­played bars can also be sum­marised, eval­u­ated and processed on the de­vice.

Data is played be­tween the torque wrench and the sta­tion­ary op­er­at­ing soft­ware via Wi-Fi or a USB mini port. The sig­nal is trans­mit­ted op­ti­cally (LED progress bar), acousti­cally (by a ‘beep’) and sen­so­ri­ally (by vi­bra­tion).


  • Measuring range 1: 0.25 to 6.0 N·m in the pipe version with internal hexagon and an external cable-connected display
  • Measuring range 2: 1.5 to 12 N·m in the pipe version and 9 x 12 rectangular cavity with an external cable-connected display
  • Measuring range 3: 6.0 to 60 N·m with 9 x 12 rectangular cavity
  • Measuring range 4: 10.0 to 100 N·m with 9 x 12 rectangular cavity
  • Measuring range 5: 20.0 to 200 N·m with 14 x 18 rectangular cavity
  • Measuring range 6: 30.0 to 300 N·m with 14 x 18 rectangular cavity
  • Measuring range 7: 100 to 600 N·m with 22 mm spigot end
  • Measuring range 8: 100 to 1000 N·m with 28 mm spigot end


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